If you're here than you’re ready to re-activate your Ometria Attentive subscription sync!
See: Syncing SMS subscription data with Ometria
Do I need to send subscriptions from Ometria to Attentive?
You only need to activate this sync if there are subscription sources that Ometria has access to but Attentive does not.
For example, you might have a preference centre option that invites customers to opt-in or opt-out of SMS that is connected to Ometria but not Attentive.
If you believe you have such subscription sources, please notify your Customer Success Representative and we will contact you about re-activating the sending of subscription data.
What happens if I do need it?
Agree with your Ometria Customer Success Representative on when you plan on re-activating it.
You'll need to perform an export and then import of customer subscription data either from Ometria to Attentive, or vice versa, no more than a few hours prior to re-activating the subscription sync.
See: Validating your SMS subscription data for Attentive
This is vital to prevent the unnecessary sending of double opt-in SMS messages.
Which system you export from will be based on which system has the most complete, up to date view of your SMS subscription data.
In this video we walk you through what the subscription sync is, how it works, how to determine if you need it, and how to complete the file import process described above:
If at any stage you require assistance please contact your Ometria Customer Success Representative and we will be happy to walk you through this process.
Either way, please notify them once the file upload process is completed as soon as possible and we will turn the feature on for you.
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